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Workshop playbook template

Co-create a team playbook for workshops and meetings.

Courtesy of our friends at

The template will guide you and your team through a co-design session to create a workshop playbook. The aim is to ensure consistency in how your team conducts meetings and workshops. As a result of the session you will set defaults and expectations in how you work together.

It is relevant if:

  • You are part of a team that engages with a lot of different stakeholders.
  • Your team is distributed and you are looking to set standards in how you work together.
  • You need to map a process to identify gaps and opportunities.

The format and activities of this template can be applied to any type of process, eg. Jobs To Be Done related exercise or mapping. It should be treated by the team as a ‘living’ document.

How to create a Workshop playbook template

Workshop playbook template frequently asked questions

More Space for Light

Template by More Space for Light


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