What happens when you put more minds — and more imagination — to work

February 2, 2021
 min read
What happens when you put more minds — and more imagination — to work
Written by 
Marina Clements
February 2, 2021

I began my career working as a patent litigator. I loved learning about new technologies and working on litigation teams, but I wasn’t involved in building things. Though I didn’t see myself as particularly creative, I still wanted to build and create in my own way. This led me to shift my focus to corporate aspects of IP, where I could help companies cultivate, capture, and use their IP to protect their innovations and build revenue streams.

Later, I worked at B2B SaaS companies where I added a layer of knowledge and experience about how software companies are built, what they must do to scale, and how they attract the right talent.

Today, I’m thrilled to share that I recently joined the team at MURAL to support their meteoric growth as they change the face of collaboration.

Including more minds with MURAL

“Let’s increase the brain trust.” That’s what my former boss and mentor used to say when we were discussing high stakes issues. She encouraged our team to collaborate internally, but also to bring in more minds, bring in more perspectives, and thoroughly pressure-test ideas before drawing final conclusions. This cross functional collaboration almost always surfaced a new perspective or reframed the problem to help us think differently. It led to better outcomes, which is why I’ve continued looking for ways to work collaboratively and “increase the brain trust.”

This is what makes MURAL so exciting. Working in MURAL, it’s easy to bring in more minds and new perspectives — making collaboration more effective and more fun. Last year, as working styles shifted dramatically due to the global pandemic, teams discovered how visual collaboration in MURAL can lead to more engaging and productive work. Teams learned how to collaborate in MURAL to address problems in a more thoughtful and innovative way. 

MURAL unlocks the potential of team members who may have historically been blocked from participating in traditional innovation processes for whatever reason — whether it be due to location, language, working style, budget limitations, or even time constraints. More than product features and an impressive platform, teams find in MURAL a different way of working, one which harnesses and naturally puts the power of the team’s imagination to work. More minds get included, more perspectives are shared, and teams achieve better outcomes.

Collaboration in MURAL sharpens ideas to help teams do their best work.

Changing the way people work together forever

When I first met the MURAL leadership team, I saw a level of excitement, passion, and joy that is rare in a corporate environment. I knew right away this was a special place. And now that I have been here for more than a month, I see that level of excitement, passion, and joy extends throughout the entire company. 

MURAL’s story reminds me of Adobe’s — where two people, John Warnock and Charles Geschke, imagined a way for engineers to be more creative and artistic. At MURAL, the team has taken collaborative imagination even further, leaning on their UX background from the online gaming world to empower everyone to do their best work — while having fun along the way.

Now, the word is getting out. More and more teams are discovering what’s possible with visual collaboration. And with MURAL’s treasure trove of intellectual property, I see a tremendous opportunity as the company scales the platform to reach new markets, new use cases, and new partners.

As for me, I couldn’t be happier to join such an incredible team and company dedicated to “putting imagination to work.” Visual collaboration will change the way people work together forever, and if you haven’t yet experienced the difference, give MURAL a try

Experience what happens when you put more minds — and more imagination — to work.

Marina Clements
Marina Clements
VP of Legal at MURAL, the digital workspace for visual collaboration
Published on 
February 2, 2021

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