Meeting Rx: the cure for the common meeting - webinar recap

August 26, 2021
 min read
Meeting Rx: the cure for the common meeting - webinar recap
Written by 
Angel Custodio
August 26, 2021

How many meetings on your calendar do you dread? How many do you actually look forward to?

Everyone jokes about meetings — how awful they can be, how poorly they are run, and how unnecessary many of them are in the first place. Worse still, in the past year, Microsoft has estimated that time spent in meetings has increased by as much as 150 percent.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could make meetings remarkable? Imagine all that time meeting was time well spent, leaving everyone energized, creating clarity, and building momentum as everyone works to solve hard problems together!

In our three part series with Voltage Control — we tackled meeting dread head-on and Douglas walked us through how you can truly make your meetings, magics.

See each episode’s replay, below:

Episode 1: The Design of Time

MURAL CEO Mariano Suarez-Battan and Voltage Control’s Douglas Ferguson discussed the true cost — and opportunity — of time spent working together in meetings.

Episode 2: This Could (Not!) Have Been an Email

We learned the “Should This Be a Meeting” test as well as 3 key ingredients for bringing meaning to every meeting.

Episode 3: “No” Your Way to a Better Meeting Culture

Douglas shared ways to change meeting culture at your company, including how to empower people to say “no” and how to be good stewards of time as meeting leaders and participants. 

Angel Custodio
Angel Custodio
Senior Events Marketing Manager @ MURAL‍
Published on 
August 26, 2021