Prep Time:
30 min
Time to run:
1-3 hours

How might we brainstorm template

Use the intersections within a grid to spark new thinking

Courtesy of our friends at

About the How Might We brainstorm template

It’s hard to come up with great ideas out of thin air. Use the How Might We (HMW) brainstorm structure to generate lots of ideas more easily by using the intersections within a grid to spark new thinking, then move forward with only the most promising ones.

What are How Might We questions in Design Thinking?

If you've ever been in a brainstorming session, you've probably heard of how might we questions. These are powerful tools that can help you to reframe a problem and come up with creative solutions.

How might we questions are usually framed as questions, for example: "How might we increase sales?" or "How might we reduce customer churn?" By phrasing the problem as a question, it forces you to think about potential solutions rather than getting stuck on the problem itself.

Additionally, how might we questions include the word "we," which helps to build team buy-in and ownership of the problem. If you're looking for a way to make your next brainstorming session more engaging and impactful, try using this how might template, designed by the experts at the LUMA Institute.

Benefits of the how might we brainstorming technique

1. Helps generate new ideas

If you're stuck on how to solve a problem, brainstorming how might we statements can be a helpful way to generate new ideas. By considering how you might approach the problem from different angles, you can come up with creative solutions that you may not have thought of before.

2. Helps you to focus your ideas

HMW questions can also help you to focus your ideas and narrow down your options. By considering how you might approach the problem, you can eliminate ideas that are not feasible or that would not be effective in solving the problem. This can help you to focus on the most promising solutions.

3. Helps you to think of unusual solutions

Another benefit of brainstorming how might we questions is that it can help you to think outside the box. By considering different ways to approach the problem, you may come up with solutions that are outside of the traditional methods that you are used to. This can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.

4. Helps you collaborate with others

Brainstorming how might we questions is also a great way to collaborate with others. By working with others to brainstorm how you might approach the problem, you can get different perspectives and ideas that you may not have thought of on your own. This can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

5. Helps you to communicate your ideas

Finally, brainstorming how might we questions can also help you to communicate your ideas more effectively. By articulating how you might approach the problem, you can more clearly explain your thoughts and ideas to others. This can make it easier for others to understand your proposed solution and increase its chances of being implemented successfully.

How to create a How might we brainstorm template

Brainstorm and collaborate in real time or asynchronously from anywhere

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Sticky notes & text

Sticky notes & text

Add ideas, action items, and more as a sticky note or text box — then change the colors and cluster to identify patterns and new solutions.

Real-time collaboration

Real-time collaboration

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Anonymous voting

Anonymous voting

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Private mode

Private mode

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Flexible permissions

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How might we brainstorm template frequently asked questions

What are the five terms used in design thinking?

What is an example of a problem statement?

LUMA Institute

Template by LUMA Institute


LUMA offers acclaimed in-person training, custom innovation programs, and a unique digital platform (LUMA Workplace), used by innovators in over 70 countries. Leading organizations around the globe rely on the LUMA System of Innovation — a practical, flexible, and scalable approach to Human-Centered Design.

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Mural is the only platform that offers both a shared workspace and training on the LUMA System™, a practical way to collaborate that anyone can learn and apply.